This pregnancy was very different from my last two. I decided to use a midwifery service and have a home birth since I have delivered with no drugs or complications in the past. The care was very different from my OB. It was very "hands on" for me and the visits entailed more talking than actual examination. It was somewhat empowering and me having more control in my care than with an OB. But, I seemed to be so much more exhausted and moody than my first two. Near the end, I had a couple of days of bed rest, due to constant contractions, around week 34. It was only fitting that my darling Titus keep my expectations in suspense by arriving 3 days late. Mason & Logan were early. But, thankfully, this was a my fastest labor yet!
I had contractions in the wee hours of the morning that felt more like real contractions (starting low and radiating through my low back) than before. But, nothing I couldn't sleep through. Finally, about 5am, I started timing them and they were 10 minutes apart. I waited until 7am to call my midwife and report my progress. She stopped by around 9:30am to drop off her stuff and check on me. Meanwhile, my mom had taken the kids to a friend's house and I had sent Levi to work for a few hours since it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.
By 10 am, my contractions were getting down to 7 minutes apart. Some hard, a lot medium in intensity. I decided to call home the troops (Levi and my mom soon returned) around 10:30am. I asked them to inflate & fill the birthing tub so as to be ready when I wanted to get in. I also called my midwife, Jake, to return since the contractions were getting more intense and closer together. Assistant & apprentice midwives, Katie & Laura, joined us around 11am. I believe the contractions were pretty hard from 11:30 on. I had some back labor while sitting on the couch, but was able to relieve it by leaning over my exercise ball.
Things really took a turn when I decided to get in the birthing pool. I wanted to use the restroom before getting in so I could totally relax. Once I got there, all of a sudden, I felt the baby drop - big time! I immediately called for help to walk to the birthing tub (set up in our living room) and it seemed like 1 maybe 2 contractions before the baby was crowning. I basically got into the tub, put my arms over the side griping Levi's hands, closed my eyes and loudly groaned (okay, I was screaming...) through all of my contractions & pushing. I think I even bit Levi's thumb somewhere in all that pushing. I just needed another way to release my tension! He never said a thing, poor guy! So, I delivered Titus on my knees chest deep in warm water.
I then was leaning back in the tub holding my massive 10# 3oz & 22.5 inches baby Titus waiting for the after birth to be delivered. Titus was so calm. He didn't cry immediately. He was busy looking around and surveying the scene. He was also working on getting the fluid out of his lungs. They only suctioned his mouth out once and he let out a little cry. He really wanted to nurse and started sucking on my neck. We would have let him, but the water level was too high and he would have sucked down the pool water. It took about 25 minutes for the after birth to come out. The midwives said when you have fast deliveries, your body takes a while to catch up and deliver the placenta. That seemed like a very long time since I had to keep holding heavy Titus! I was pretty exhausted!
All in all, it was a smooth process. To speak frankly, I'm not the type who loves pregnancy and thinks giving birth is oh so wonderful. It's hard, grooling and down right pushes you to your limit. But, I feel going all natural is best for the baby, an easier recovery for me and at least my body can do it fast! I'm just very grateful to have had a healthy baby!
Fifth Grade - Adjectives
10 years ago
HOLY COW, girl! How in the world did you carry a 10# baby? Where did you have him? Congrats on the successful birth. He is so adorable, as are your other two. Glad to know all is well with your cute family. I am seriously dying that he was over 10 #. Crazy. :)
I'm so glad you posted your story! I loved reading it! LOVE it, Robin! We have got to get our big boys together sometime! I love you and think about you all the time! I hope you're doing well! How big is Titus now? I tried to get an idea of Roman's weight the other day by stepping on a scale with/without him & subtracting the difference and it was 18 lbs! Whoa! Love you!
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