Friday, September 11, 2009

End of summer is HOT!

So, I'm sitting here surfing the net & other friend's blogs & feeling guilty for not having mine updated for a very, very, VERY long time! I'm sorry to my other blog surfing friends trying to see what's up with us. I'm pregnant, hot, and just not functioning as well as I'd like to this past month. But, if it helps, I posted a baby ticker that will keep track of that part of my life all on its own. Oh, and some exciting news to share, we weren't going to find out what we were having (Levi's idea, not mine), but at the ultrasound appointment, Levi could totally tell and announced that I could find out if I wanted (gee, thanks hon, I am carrying the thing!).

It's a BOY!

Mason wanted a sister, but this will be great for Logan seeing as they will be 23 months apart. He'll have a little buddy and Mason can have fun bossing them both around...until they are stronger than her, but that will be a while.

So now, Mason and I have to come to terms with being out numbered by males in the family. Of course, Levi couldn't be more thrilled to have another boy. But hey, now Mason and I can perhaps play the ol' "girls night out" plenty more!


Taren Nielsen said...

YAAAAAAAAAYE!!! I told you we needed more boys! Looove it!

Kathy said...

so exciting! Congrats!!

Lauren said...

Oh Robin! I'm just so thrilled for y'all! That's so exciting! I can't believe how close we are due! That is so much fun! We had our ultrasound too, but the technician was sneaky. She wouldn't leave it any where for very long and then told us at one point, "you're going to want to look away." It was not easy, I'll tell you that! So, we still don't know! I hear we are very like-minded on how we're having our babies this time! I love it! Great minds think alike, right? Love you & congratulations!

Oh, and by the way , I totally's HOT!

Pikula's said...

Congratulations!!! That is so exciting!!

Unknown said...

Exciting news! Congrats!

The Plewe Clan said...

Yes, The girls night out is awesome! The boys leave and you get pedicures!!!! So excited for you guys.

Angela said...

That is great news. We are so happy for you and your adorble growing family.