Monday, March 16, 2009

Look what we FINALLY did!

Levi received some nice matching frames from a nice friend last week who was moving. We have always envisioned our family photos in something like what she gave us. So, I was very excited to get to work. Unfortunately, since moving, all of our pictures were neatly (well, not that neatly) packed away in a couple of boxes...and now they are not (as you see here). 

But, look at the progress we made! We finally put pictures we've had for 5 years in boxes, in frames and on the walls! Yay!

Now, the next 2 pictures are examples of me and Levi's personalities. I put up these 2 frames in a matter of 10 minutes. Kinda measured, the pictures don't fully fill out the mat, but its what I had and I wanted to hang them. I got it done...

Here you see Levi, using a leveler, measured out every millimeter from all sides of each frame and made me search for 2 pictures of Mason to go with the 2 pictures of Logan, so it would all flow well. His project took an hour & a half. Hmf. 

Friday the 13th

As you can see, it was far from scary for us. I have loved watching this rose bush bloom over the past few weeks. The rain really brought it out! When we moved in, it was all dried up. Now look how beautiful!
Dad and the kids having some fun in the street while chicken was on the bbq (he doesn't just wear that apron for fun...)!

Tree trimming anyone?

Last Thursday, we (me and Logan) were curious to know who was using a chainsaw for a great part of the day. I looked out our back window and sure enough a man was up one of those gigantic 5 story palm trees cutting it down 2 feet at a time. I watched him most of the mid-day. It was amazing that he didn't cut his arm off, fall or who knows what! That is definitely a job I would not do!

Playing with the girls...kinda

So, Mason had a playdate after school last week. The girls were playing with Polypockets at the table since there are many tiny pieces Logan could swallow. Since he had to play too, he was under the table with a princess and a mini my little pony banging them on the floor together just like he thought the girls were doing a few feet up! Priceless!


So, after Levi ran 17 MILES, had some breakfast, a shower, cut his and Logan's hair, he decided to plant some veggies in a bare patch of our flower garden. Just your average, white male American Saturday... HA! I'm married to the biggest over achiever and I love it! This summer, hopefully, we will be enjoying: bell peppers, tomatoes, sweet peas, strawberries, peppers and who knows what else thanks to this awesome man in the cowboy hat below!

My 1st buzz cut

Saturday, March 7th...Today was a spontaneous day. Dad cut his hair. Dad saw Logan. Dad cut Logan's hair...A LOT! Logie got his first buzz cut. He was actually pretty cool with the procedure. I held him and Dad buzzed all of his hair off with the clippers. He was going to go shorter, but I insisted it be the longest length. Now, my little boy baby, doesn't look so little any more! 


So, Logan is friends with Delilah. She is one of his few baby friends who is a few months younger than him. We think he might even say her name sometimes. He recognizes her (and her mom, Kristal) from afar (like at church) and must go over to her. It is very hard to distract him once he's seen her. The relationship is a kind of love/hate though. Well, its really love - he loves to pound her face with his hand and she hates it! Delilah likes him as long as he's out of hitting range. So, hopefully, this hitting thing is just a phase and he will be more gentle with age. Otherwise, mom will go crazy!

Rollerblading kid

Mason has been taking an inline skating class at our local park these last 8 weeks. She LOVES it! She has taken an array of dance classes (ballet, tap, jazz) and liked them, but got bored with them near the end of the session. Not skating. This kid LOVES it! It has been the best equipment investment I've made for her yet! Not the bike, not the scooter, or balls, but SKATING! Yay! Mason has gone from barely staying on her feet the first day of class to one of the fastest in her class! She comes home from school a minimum of 4 days/week and is out skating in the driveway & sidewalk. Awesome kid! Is roller hockey next?

Lovin' the bath

Bath time is zen-like here in our house. No matter how bad Mason or Logan's day has been, once they enter the warm water in the tub, happiness is upon them. Even though it can get wet everywhere and mom doesn't love cleaning up the mess, it is so heart-warming to hear these two giggling over anything going on in that wet paradise!

Tooth #3

Mason pulled tooth #3 from her mouth after school on March 5th. She just came home and said her tooth was hurting and showed me why! Those bottom permanent teeth were pushing it out of the way! So, after many tries of wrapping floss around it and it slipping off, more wiggling and pulling, whala, its out! Mason did it herself! Good job kid!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I just have to say WHAHOOO! I caught up on my blogging! Yesssssssssss!

Kristen's baby shower

Last Friday me, Kristal, Betsey and Staci threw Kristen a baby shower for boy #3. It was loads of fun and even though she was on bedrest that weekend, she was having a good time! This baby is very lucky to be born into such a great family!

Yes, my friend, Betsey, actually MADE this diaper cake from scratch! Talent I tell you! Isn't it gorgeous! I think she should sell them! 

Just like sis

Just like his sis, Logan has to be involved in whatever anyone is doing around him. Here we have Connor playing the Wii and Logan has to hold a remote too!

Valentine's Day weekend

Grandma came to town to visit the grandkids for Valentine's Day. Here's a shot of Logan and Grandma before church Sunday. Valentine's Day was special for me and Levi too because we were able to go to the spa together and have a nice long date. Meanwhile, Grandma held down the fort at home and held a mega craft & baking day with Mason. We came home to some yummy homemade heart cookies decorated with love! Thanks Grandma!

Cousin Ellie dropped by for a half hour on her way to San Diego. As you can see the reunion was an exciting one!

Logan's 1st BIRTHDAY!

February 9th, 2009. My baby boy is 1 year old. I can't believe how fast it's gone! He's got so much personality, into everything, independent, doesn't like to cuddle, but needs to be held and push me away just to show who's boss. He's smart, loves to play with his sister, absolutely love to be outside in the open so he can explore, cries when he gets the screen door slammed in front of him restraining him, loves to roll around on the floor with anyone, must touch everyones face and ram his fingers in crevices not meant for them, has the most beautiful blue eyes, loves watching the trash truck, willingly gets in the bath, is finally sleeping through the night, loves to play in the toilet, unroll all of the toilet paper, sleeps with his butt in the air half the time and is the twinkle in my eye. Love you big boy!

Even though Logan had his own cake, with all that sugar, he slept great that night! 

P.S. I actually made the cakes from scratch and Levi iced them. For someone not so hot in the kitchen, it's not bad huh!


Superbowl. February 1, 2009. I can't even remember who played, I just remember fun. We had our first Superbowl party and it was fun and filling! We had tons and tons of food (hmm, shoulda taken a pix of that) and fun friends to enjoy it with. The kids ransacked the kid room, but had a good time. Nice having a 60" TV, eh?!

Daisy Investiture

(January 30th) Mason signed up for Girl Scouts this year and is a first year Daisy. She has really enjoyed the meetings and is learning a lot. Every year there is a ceremony (Investiture) that inducts the new girls into Girl Scouts. I kinda got roped into being a co-leader for the group but have enjoyed watching them all learn good values and help others. During their ceremony, the girls walked up the stem of a daisy and stood on the pedals. Each Daisy was given a GS pin and a certificate and welcomed into the troop. Logan had a hard time sitting still with dad while I was on stage! But, we made it through! Congrats Mason!